Rationalia in our lives

A few years ago I began listening to a Danish podcast called Detox din hjerne. The episodes can, to many, be quite controversial, because they dive into common misconceptions about the idea of health, healthy food, and critical thinking.

Hashing Code and UCM

Ever since I saw this presentation by Rúnar Bjarnason, I’ve been fascinated by the concept of the Unison Codebase Manager (UCM). The idea of a codebase that is hashed and versioned based on its contents, is 🔥.

Unison is a language that tries to solve many problems, and I’m not sure I’m sold on their way of doing things. However, I have been thinking about how to implement a UCM-like system that is generic over programming languages. What might this look like?

The Art of Self-Improvement: Documentation as a Secret Weapon

Let me tell you a secret about our beloved world of software engineering. We’re stuck in a loop, like hamsters on a wheel.

A Taste of Microservices

Say you’re the kind of person who hates to throw away equipment, or just happens to have a few laptops lying around for some reason.

Taking care of the Environment

The Environment is a concept that was introduced by Version 7 Unix. It stores keys and their corresponding values and makes this available to processes.